I'm almost finished with Building the Bridge as You Walk on It by Robert Quinn. The subtitle is "A Guide to Leading Change." However, if you think you're not interested, think again. Quinn's approach and thinking are so different that executives come up after his programs and say, "I only wish I'd learned this when my children were young!" And, Dr. Quinn finds his insights to be applicable to parenting, also. He shares, with their permission, an experience with both his son and his daughter in the book, and what they wrote about those experiences. The experience with his daughter came as they dealt with a breakup with a boyfriend, and from it she found purpose in her life, increased peace, poise, and success at work and in relationships!
Also, if you'd like to know why the superintendent of almost any major school system in this country is NOT a "change agent", read the story of the executive that attended one of Dr. Quinn's week-long workshops that is in Chapter Nine on "Authentic Engagement." (The story of the Mom with a daughter who didn't like homework that opens that chapter is powerful, also!)
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